Wednesday, September 4, 2019

September 2019 Meeting

We will be having Reception Ceremony for Richard and Melia at the Church.  

All Food Groups bring Dish to Share.  Group 3 be at the Nazareth Center by 7:30 AM to set up.  

Chapter 8 pages 131-157Be prepared to discuss chapter especially think about 2 things -  

Why is detachment necessary?  

How does it apply to my life? Think about the benefits and also the harms of no detachment.  

See you Saturday,  please stay safe and like Father Stephen said PRAY, PRAY, PRAY.   

St. Albert of Jerusalem  Bishop and Lawgiver of Carmel FEAST September 17


Tuesday, July 2, 2019

JULY 2019 Meeting

July 6 2019 Meeting

Meeting will be at Terri West home after Mass - If you need a ride, please let me know.
Please bring a dish to share.
Homework Ch 6 page 86-110 Mansions 4 to 7.
July 6th 2:00 webinar $10.00

Our Lady of Mt Carmel Novena 7/7 to 7/15. I will bring copies to the meeting.
July 10th 11:00 AM-12:00 PM
Kathleen is to be on the radio 920 AM or podcast at

July 16th plan to attend mass at 7:00 AM, wear your scapulars, will recite the Act of Consecration to Our Lady of Mt Carmel after. Sit together if you can.
Invitatory Pg 1383
Let us sing to the Lord as we keep this day in memory of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
Psalm 100
Hymn 80 O Mary, of All Women
Antiphons and Psalms Pg 770-773
Reading Pg 1383
Responsory Pg 1383
Canticle of Zechariah Pg 1385 #1. Let us celebrate
Intercessions Father Bill Pg 1385
Our Father
Final Prayer Pg 1386-1387

Thursday, May 9, 2019

June 1, 2019 Meeting

June 1 Meeting 

 Saturday June 1 st,  2019 Meeting Padre Pio Place

Mass 8:00 AM at Church

Meeting directly after mass: Nazareth Center 

General Formation: The Fire Within Chapter 6  Pages 73 to 110

Food Group 3: PLEASE be at Nazareth center to set up at 7:30 AM. 
Also stay to clean up.

Please Pray For Our New Officers:
Director Ana S.
Secretary  Pat J.
Treasurer  Joe D.
Counselors: Jose R.  Day of Recollection  and MaryAnn V. Card Ministry
Formation Terri W. with Assistant Mary C.

Saints for June -wear your Scapulars to mass!

June 14 St. Elisha, Prophet

Formation Groups:
Phase 1 group 2: Lesson 3 part 2  Liturgy of Hours

Phase 1: Lesson 11 and 12 Richard and Melia

 Coming Up: 

July 2019 Meeting at Terri's home. Please carpool and park on golfcourse side food group 1
July 2019 Convocation July 19-21 2019

August 2019: Possible  Temporary Profession date for Phase 2 group

Friday, August 31, 2018

September 8th Meeting

 Saturday September 8th,  2018 Meeting

Mass 8:00 AM at Church

Meeting directly after mass: Nazareth Center 1/2 of main room

General Formation: Edith Stein Book  Pages 211 to 238 (end) 

Food Group 3: PLEASE be at Nazareth center to set up at 7:30 AM. Also stay to clean up.

Saints for September -wear your Scapulars to mass!

September 17 St. Albert of Jerusalem, Bishop and Lawgiver of Carmel

Formation Groups:
Phase 1: Lesson 4
Phase 2: Lesson

 Coming Up: 

October 2018 Meeting: special prayer reflection
November: Special presentation on Gift of Friendship and New formation books handed out.
December: Christmas Party
January 2019: Possible Profession date for phase 2

Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Saturday, June 2, 2018 Meeting

Saturday, June 2, 2018 Meeting

FOOD GROUP 3  be at meeting room by 7:30 AM to help set up tables and assist with clean up afterward

Ongoing Formation Book Study: Edith Stein: The Life of A Philosopher and Carmelite

Pages 133-163

Formation Groups 

Reminder to Participants: JOURNAL your Journey everyday!
Phase 1 Formation Chapter 1
Phase 2 Formation Chapter 16

Upcoming Events

Day of Reflection at Incarnation Catholic Church (off Edgewater)
15.00 per person
8 am to 2 pm
Carpool participants:  MUST BE AT GROTTO by 7:15 AM

Our Carmelite Saints

Honor our Saints by: attending mass wearing ceremonial Brown Scapular, 

JUNE 14 St Elisha Prophet Memorial

Tuesday, September 5, 2017


Due to Hurricane Irma.

JMJ Pray for us

Friday, August 18, 2017

Carmelite Webinar September 2017 SIGN UP!!!

The Rule and the Unique Charism of Carmel

Presented by Br. Patrick Mullins, O.CARM.

The Rule & the Unique Charism of Carmel

Presented by Br. Patrick Mullins, O.CARM.
The presentation of the charismatic identity of Carmelites as hermit-brother-friars in St. Albert’s Formula of Life and in the Carmelite Rule.
 Saturday, September 16, 2017 at 2:00 pm Eastern Time.
COST:  $10

Candidates studying to become a Lay Carmelite are also expected:

• To meet monthly with the formation director for a two-hour class in the Phase 1 formation program, which consists of 12 lessons in preparation to be received into the Lay Carmelites
• After Reception, to meet monthly with the formation director for a two-hour class in the Phase 2 formation program, which consists of 24 lessons in preparation to make temporary profession as a Lay Carmelite

OUR general whole group:

The Lay Carmelite is expected to participate in the daily celebration of the Eucharist when possible. 
He/she should spend about one-half hour in meditation each day, that is reflecting on the Scriptures, using Lectio Divina or some other appropriate type of personal reflective prayer. 
The Lay Carmelite also prays in union with the Church through recitation of the Liturgy of the Hours—Morning and Evening Prayer. 
Lay Carmelites attend a monthly community meeting. 
They wear the smaller Brown Scapular of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel daily as an external sign of dedication to Mary, as a sign of trust in her motherly protection, as well as an expression of their desire to be like Mary in her commitment to Christ and to others.
 The Ceremonial Scapular ( those Professed and received) is to be worn to Mass on meeting days as well as on any Carmelite ST. feast or solemnity except ones that land on Sunday.

One is expected to stay for the whole book lesson, after having actually read the chapter and ready to discuss a few of the questions.

When it is your group month for providing food for meeting: you are expected to come early 7:AM to 7:30 AM to set the table ready, make the coffee and put up the "altar". 
you are expected to stay and clean up the food table, wash the dishes and coffee maker, take the altar down, and put everything in boxes for storage.

Friday, May 12, 2017

100th Anniversary of Fatima

Annunciation Catholic Church is having a 100 year Fatima Celebration directly after 8:00 am mass on Saturday May 13th 2017.  Please wear your scapulars and be at church at 7:30 AM to assist Sr. Maria!

Joe DiSalvo May 10th
Keith Martin May 30

June 2017 Regular Meeting

Ongoing Formation: READ BEFORE MEETING!

Carmel's Call Chapter 6 pg 120
Climbing the Mountain Chapter 7 - prepare 2-3 questions for discussion

Formation Groups

PHASE 1: Lesson 7

PHASE 2: Lesson 7


“Ponder the Lord’s law day and night and keep watch at prayer”

WHEN: June 10, 2017  SATURDAY

WHERE: Incarnation Catholic Church

       1515 Edgewater Drive

Orlando, FL  32804


Fr. Peter Puntal, Pastor

  St. Vincent de Paul Catholic Church

Fr. William Holiday, Pastor

Incarnation Catholic Church



Day of Reflection: “Ponder the Lord’s Law Day and Night and Keep Watch at Prayer”
8:00 am Mass, Receptions/Professions (church)

(Move to Social Hall adjoining)

9:15-9:50 Sign in; Opening Prayer/ Welcome/, Continental breakfast

9:50-10:15 Morning Prayer and Introduction of Fr. Puntal

10:15-11:15 Presentation: Fr. Puntal “Carmelites and Prayer, Part 1”

11:15-11:25 Break

11:25-12:30 Presentation: Fr. Puntal “Carmelites and Prayer, Part 2”
12:30-1:15 Lunch

1:15-1:30 Introduction of Fr. Holiday and the Journey of the Parish in Reuniting
with Rome

(Move to church)

1:30-2:30 Eucharistic Adoration and Prayer led by Fr. Holiday

2:30 Benediction

(Return to Social Hall adjoining; restroom break)

2:45-3pm Consecration to Our Lady of Mt. Carmel, Closing Remarks, Closing Prayer

Fr. William Holiday is a former Anglican priest who was a Curate at the Anglican Cathedral of the Incarnation. He and the church community reunited with the Holy Roman Catholic Church and Fr. Holiday was ordained as a Catholic priest December 15, 2012. Several of our LCs belong to the parish. Fr. Holiday has been very welcoming in inviting our region to use his facilities for the June10 Day of Reflection. Since our theme is on prayer, he will focus on the Eucharist/Eucharistic adoration in his afternoon presentations. Please Google the church’s website if possible before you come.

The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass is offered Ad Orienem—with the priest facing East. Reception of the Eucharist takes place at the altar rail and is received on the tongue. Some of the language in the order of the mass has a decidedly “English” expression.

Parking: Parking spaces are located behind the church sanctuary and along Edgewater Drive (no parking meters). Overflow parking is available in the business parking lot adjacent to the North side of the parish property. Signs will be posted to help you. Carpool is possible.   
DONATION: $15 “at the door” please

RSVP: Number of attendees from your 

community and names of any to be

received/professed by MAY 25th, please,

to Kathleen


INCLUDED:   Continental breakfast;  lunch

Sunday, February 5, 2017

Next Meeting March 4th 2017

Next Meeting March 4th 2017

Ongoing Formation:
Carmel's Call reading Chapter 2 pages 112-113
Climbing the Mountain Chapter 4

 Phase 1 formation: lesson 3
Phase 2 formation: lesson 5

 Food Group 3 ALL help set up at 7:30 AM and cleanup at end of meeting

 Saints for March:

March 19th - Joseph, Spouse of the Virgin Mary, Principal protector of the Order

Needs help navigating Christian Prayer? Here is an informative tutorial :A Beginners Guide to Praying the Liturgy of the Hours

Webinar: Saturday, March 11, 2017  

Living in God’s Presence – A Spirituality for All

This webinar will touch on this Saint’s life, and her major writings exploring such topics as the Trinity, Relationships, Living in God’s Presence, a Spirituality for All, Suffering and Congruence with other Carmelites: Love

Saturday, March 11, 2017

2pm (EST)


Copyright © 2017 Carmelite Institute of North America, All rights reserved.

For more information contact Edith Matlock at (202) 526-1221

or email

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Temporary Profession of Mary and Jose Congratulations!


Profession by Farther Bill of, Mary Campofiore and Jose Rodreguez of Annunciation Lay Carmelites, Saturday, 1/7/17 after the 8:00 AM Mass

Friday, December 30, 2016

The Carmelite Charism: Contemplation and January Meeting 2017


 A very good article about our Charism;

 A interesting and informative article about meditation and contemplation

Upcoming January 7, 2017
 Annunciation Catholic Church after 8AM mass
2 temporary professions: CONGRATULATIONS AND BLESSINGS
Jose Rodriguez
Mary Campofiore
 Please bring your Carmel's Call to Church service and veils optional
All formation after general meeting will resume bring your books! 
We have one person starting phase 1 and 3 people continuing with phase 2.
 Food Group 1 - please set up at 7:30 AM  AND you are responsible for clean up!

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Door of Mercy Pilgrimage 2016

Here is our Lay Carmelite group from Annunciation Catholic Church visiting the Door of Mercy at Mary Queen of the Universe Shrine in Orlando Florida on the Feast of St Teresa of Avila!
 The bronze on the right is on top of the Door of Mercy inside the Basilica, is from the Mendoza Family,- another Lay Carmelite group in Orlando. 
SO Beautiful!

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

2016 Officer Installation

2016 Officers
Director: Ana Sales
Treasurer: Joe DiSalvo
Counselors:  Pat  Altamura and Terri West
Secretary: Eva Finley
Formation Director: Terri West Phase 2
Assistant Formation: Annette Hutchison
Assistant Formation: Carol Balenger Phase 2
Historian: Annette Hutchison
Blog: Terri West
Sunshine Coordinator: Mary Campofiore
 Spiritual Director Rev.  William Gohring

Monday, August 8, 2016

Pictures of 2016 Day of Recollection

Recent Pics from our Day of Recollection. Thank you all for attending!

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

July 9th meeting 2016 Installation of New Officers and Info

July 9th meeting 2016 Installation of New Officers after 8 AM Mass.
 PLEASE READ:  Carmel's Call pages 185 to 193
 Song: Here I Am Lord

Director: Ana Sales
Treasurer: Joe DiSalvo
Counselors:  Pat  Altamura and Terri West
Secretary: Eva Finley
Formation Director: Terri West Phase 2
Assistant Formation: Annette Hutchison
Assistant Formation: Carol Balenger 
Historian: Annette Hutchison
Blog: Terri West
Sunshine Coordinator: Mary Campofiore

There will be mass said for Marney Norris +  at 7:00 AM and 12:15 masses on July 11, 2016.

Current Phase 2 students read  and answer questions for Chapter 16. Profession planned for 2017

PLEASE READ in Carmel's Call: Reception and Profession Ceremonies
Current Phase 1 students will have  their reception at July 16th Day of Recollection

New Phase 1 to start  August 6th, 2016: 2 current prospective students

August 6th meeting will have Final Profession of 6 of our members 


Friday, June 10, 2016

Live Webinar: St. Mary Magdalen de’ Pazzi

June 18th 2pm est


the Carmelite Institute of North America will present a Live Streaming Webinar on June 18, 2016, in honor of the 450th Anniversary of St. Mary Magdalen de’Pazzi. This Webinar is being presented by Fr. Miceal O’Neill, O.Carm., Ph.D.
“The life of the Carmelite mystic, St. Mary Magdalen de’Pazzi (1566–1607) was a continual discovery of the gift of God, through the communication that God gives to those who are prepared to receive it. Because of peoples’ weakness in knowing the gift, Love was not loved, and the Church was in need of reform.”

This webinar is open to everyone, but registration is limited so if you’re interested in attending, please register as soon as possible."

Monday, May 23, 2016

July 2016 Day of Recollection


Feast Of Our Lady of Mount Carmel
Saturday, July 16, 2016, 8:00 AM at the Nazareth Center,
Annunciation Catholic Church
1020 Montgomery Rd., Altamonte Springs, FL  32714

Topic: Interior Castle of St. Teresa of Avila in The Year of Mercy

8:00 AM – 9:00 AM                   Registration and Breakfast

9:00 AM – 9:30 AM                  Liturgy of The Hours (Bring Christian Prayer)

9:30 AM – 10:30 AM       1st Talk by Father Peter Puntal, Pastor of St. Vincent de Paul Parish, Wildwood

10:30 AM- 10:45 AM       Coffee Break

10:45 AM–11:45 AM        2nd Talk by Father Peter Puntal, Pastor of St. Vincent de Paul Parish, Wildwood

11:45 AM- 12:00 PM        Questions and Answers

12:00 PM  – 1:00 PM        Lunch - Provided

   1:00 PM  - 1:30 PM       3rd Talk by Regional Coordinator Kathleen Richardville

   1:30 PM – 2:00 PM        Rosary and Divine Mercy
                                        Mass preparation
   2:00 PM – 3:30 PM        Mass Celebrated with Father William Gohring
                                        Reception, Profession and Final Profession, presided by
                                        Fr. William Gohring and Kathleen Richardville

Love Offering - $10.00

Everyone is invited to come, please RSVP:

Joe DiSalvo, 407-829-2030, or E-mail,

Monday, March 7, 2016

For April 2016 Meeting:

 Food Group 1

On Going Formation

General Homework:
Reading for April 2016 Meeting
Carmel School of Prayer 
Pages 173-193

Phase 1 Homework:

Phase 2 Homework:

Climbing The Mountain
Chapter 13

Future Day of Recollection: July 16 At Annunciation Catholic Church

Monday, February 10, 2014

Check out Carmel in the Holy land on EWTN!


02/17 at 3:00 AM ET, 6:30 PM ET
Host Diana von Glahn tours the Carmelite chapel on Mount Carmel, floats in the Dead Sea, explores Qumran, and later visits Jerusalem's Church of St Anne, the Basilica of the Annunciation, Church of St Joseph, and the Greek Orthodox Church of St. Gabriel.

Know Thyself: 10 Reflections from St. Teresa of Avila on the Spiritual Life link share


Sharing a great post from the blog "St Peter's List" by poster "Catherine"

Know Thyself: 10 Reflections from St. Teresa of Avila on the Spiritual Life


Thursday, February 6, 2014

February 2014 Prayer List

Patrick Altamura- mother's passing - rest in peace
Shirley Bernard- Heart surgery on 28th
Maria Busquets- surgery on 22nd

Marie Glaude- procedure 1-17-2014 back home now
Keith Martin- surgery-2/7/14
For all of our Lay Carmelite community

Marney's friend Paula- Hip surgery

Dodie Pflumm- surgery 2/13/14
The Carmelites of the Province of the Most Pure Heart of Mary
Annunciation Catholic Church and our priests, nuns and religious.
Bishop Noonan
Pope Francis's general prayer intention
Pope Francis's mission prayer intention 

Sunday, January 5, 2014

January 2014 Prayer List

Shirley Bernard

Maria "Magda" Busquets

Bill Barresi and Family

Wesley Gall and Family

Joan Anderson

For all of our Lay Carmelite community

The Carmelites of the Province of the Most Pure Heart of Mary

Annunciation Catholic Church and our priests, nuns and religious.

Bishop Noonan

Pope Francis's general prayer intention 

Pope Francis's mission prayer intention 

Monday, May 6, 2013

May Prayer List

Please pray for these people and events for May 2013

  • Carmen Vano's husband- surgery on Tuesday May 7, 2013
  • Maria Isabel- continued healing
  • Lindell Joseph and family - Husband's daughter passed
  • Our upcoming Day of Recollection
  • For all of our Lay Carmelite community
  • The Carmelites of the Province of the Most Pure Heart of Mary
  • Annunciation Catholic Church and our priests, nuns and religious.
  • Bishop Noonan
  • Pope Francis's general prayer intention for May 2013 is "That administrators of justice may act always with   integrity and right conscience."
  • Pope Francis's mission prayer intention for May 2013 is “That seminaries, especially those of mission Churches, may form pastors after the Heart of Christ, fully dedicated to proclaiming the Gospel.”